Wellbeing as a gift, not a tick box.

A visual reminder of your genuine interest in your employees’ well-being.


100k+ Employees use ESSTA 

Demonstrating genuine care

It's called self care but it can't be achieved alone.

It’s impossible to cultivate a genuine sense of well-being solely through individual efforts when external factors significantly influence our lives. Our environment, relationships, and societal structures profoundly impact our mental and physical health. Without a supportive and nurturing external framework, our self-care routines may feel incomplete or ineffective.

Offering self-care subscriptions and services isn’t enough for employers to genuinely demonstrate care. True care means actively listening to employees, making tangible changes, and promoting inclusivity.

Providing support and making employees feel supported isn’t the same thing 

Gal Darrash, ESSTA

What is ESSTA?
ESSTA is a bridge between the virtual and the physical. Our content and support is activated through the use of a smart ESSTA card. Tap your card on your phone to tap into meditations, coaching and unlimited live workshops.
What's the point?
A physical product from employer to employee feels more invested and more genuine. Regardless of the content, digital subscriptions are perceived as "convenient" but lacking in value.
What's the employers advantage?
The ESSTA cards serve as a consistent physical and visual cue of the employer's sincere concern for their employees' well-being and offer a faster method to implement your well-being initiatives and promote engagement, such as by placing them on their desks.
What are Spaces?
Spaces consist of daily webinars and group sessions tailored to specific categories, enabling employees facing similar challenges to engage, communicate, and exchange experiences within a facilitated session.
essta workplace wellbeing support


In The Moment Support

How many times have you struggled and thought I know - I'll just quickly sit on my computer, log in and watch a pre recorded video to support me? Never? Neither have your employees. Moments of pain, struggle, anxiety or depression come with a lack of self care and that can't be supported with services that have a barrier to entry or that you have to book in advance. ESSTA spaces run every every day and you can book and attend your space last second, with notifications of relevant spaces running coming direct to employees phones.

Support for home.

A visual symbol of care and commitment to your employees wellbeing.


See what employees are saying

4.86 rating based on 23K+ reviews

Offer genuine support. Speak to us today.

Stop offering purely digital solutions with recurring subscriptions

offer wellbeing that

Stop offering your employees subscriptions they will never use.

Start offering ESSTA. 

What's included in ESSTA?
  • Physical card or series
  • 3 Years unlimited spaces
  • LIFETIME access to Meditations and Coaching
  • NO subscriptions or recurring fees
  • LIFETIME access to ESSTA app

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    essta wellbeing gift of the year